Friday, January 15, 2010

Show us your life: Weight Loss

TGIF!!!! Remember when ABC had TGIF nights, with Full House, Family Matters and such? Those were great times!

Anyway, Today we are suppose to list our best weight loss ideas.

I have ALWAYS been underweight until I became pregnant with Madyson. I gained 100 lbs when I was pregnant with her. I was on bedrest, depressed, and just ate and ate and ate.

I had to get healthy soon after she was born because I was beginning to have other problems. I told my doctor, " I don't want to diet, I hate to diet." "I hate to exercise.."I don't like going to the gym, counting calories, any of that...I just want to loose this weight." She laughed and told me she had the best thing for me.

Get a small plate (6-8 inches") and carry it everywhere with you. You can eat whatever you want as long as it fits on this plate and doesn't touch. I did that for 5 months (and I walked around my neighborhood every afternoon with madyson in her stroller) I lost 90lbs in 5 months doing this. I LOVE OREOS as we all know...well I could fit 5 on the plate without them that's how many I would eat. I loved this because I didn't have to give up anything I just ate in moderation.

So there ya go! Good luck! Let me know how you do!!

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