Sunday, January 3, 2010

a heart to heart

Today has been a whirlwind of a day. I woke up feeling horrible (again) i walked to the bathroom from the bedroom (10 steps) I was out of breath. I got ready, got to the car (chest pains, Shortness of Breath....)Got to Church to finish up somethings I remembered over the weekend (in tears because I was hurting so bad)

They sent me home so I went to the doctor. 4 hours of waiting, 1 EKG and 2 tubes of blood later, NO NEW NEWS! They know I still have tachycardia but the doctor said it needs more extensive test run. So they are sending me back to the Cardiologist. He did send me home with some beta-blockers that are suppose to make it better but he did warn me "these can make you very weak and tired" Fabulous, just what a working mom of 2 kids needs to be...Weak and Tired.

I did find out some interesting stuff though. Since I have been so uncomfortable over the past few weeks with these pains he said that is what could be causing my absent mindedness. Apparently when you are in serious pain you are allowed to forget things! I was excited to tell Todd this one bit of news.

Other than that, I am now confined to resting and relaxing. Madyson is taking "care" of me, Aubrie is loving on me. Todd is out getting my medicine and I am praying that this is all okay. Your heart is such an important organ, I can't imagine having to have something done to it. Please pray for me during this ordeal. Pray for Todd because I am so tired as it is that I feel terrible for him when this medicine starts. Hopefully it won't be too bad.

1 comment:

  1. praying for you!!!!!!!!! keep me updated and let me know if there is ANYTHING i can do!


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