Friday, March 19, 2010

answering questions about heaven from a 3 year old.

Madyson is obsessed with Death. I have no idea where this comes from but for a few weeks she has been sobbing, asking grown up questions, and really trying to grasp death and what happens after.

She isn't getting it from church bc I teach the same lesson she learns and she isn't learning about death.

Today her question was, "Momma, when you die, do angels put you in boxes?"

After some q&a, I THINK she was thinking about coffins.

Being the loving mom that I am, I am trying to make death not scary. I really just want to say "Ive never died so I don't know" But with my child, my planner, you have to give her a direct answer. So the best that I could come up with is...
"Baby, when you die, your family and friends here on earth put your body in a box, but not you. See inside your body is your spirit. It is what makes your eyes shine, your smile so bright, and your sweetness ooze. That is what goes to heaven. God doesn't want a body in heaven, one that is scrapped up with boo-boos and that could have been sick, or hurt. He wants your goodness, your kindness, your sweet sweet spirit to come there. And when you die, the angels are here to take you by the hand to heaven. And there...there is no sickness, no boo-boos, no hurt. There everything is wonderful and it is nothing to be scared of"

Her response to me was, "wow, that sounds beautiful, I can't wait."

I don't ever remember being as inquisitive as Madyson is. I don't think I cared about heaven or hell until I was old enough to understand sin and consequences. Does anyone else with bigger kids ever get these kind of questions? How do you handle it? If you know of a good book or a bible verse (that a 3 year old could relate too) please share.


  1. Sarah. Wow. I have no idea how I'll handle this kind of thing when the time comes. I was super inquisitive and worried so much about EVERYTHING, even as a VERY young child. I wonder often if Annie will end up being the same way.

    I think you handled it SO beautifully!

  2. I would say you handled that beautifully! Although I'm not sure if I was as young as Madyson, I can remember having the hardest time understanding the whole death process and what that really meant.

  3. You answered perfectly! Great answer. It sounds to me like Madyson is getting close to possibly accepting Christ as her Savior. I was 6 when I made my decision, and it was a very pure faith. I understood "sin," but at that age it was all relative. The Lord talks about having faith like a child, which is so beautiful. The deeper understanding comes over time, but I'm so excited for you---I can't imagine what that will be like when Evy starts asking questions. It's evidence that you're doing a great job of exposing her to the Lord!

  4. that is an amazing answer Sarah, excellent job


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