Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Masters! Not even Tiger can hang!!!

SD tagged me in this! I got really excited! 

Here are the rules for the award:
1. List 6 things you are a master in.
2. Pass it on to 6 bloggers you think are masters at friendship and make blogging awesome.

I am a master in......

1) Seeing the Grey. I am not a Black or White person. I don't believe in the right side or the left side. I don't like Santa or No Santa. I do not believe in 1 way or the other. I am the 3rd option, the floater, the middle person. Some people say this is a sign of indecisiveness. I believe it is just another way of life. I prefer for Jesus to have His birthday and Santa have some cake too. I believe in new ideas and change and not the same old thing. I am that person in a debate of 3 that when 1 says "we always do this" and the other says "but we should do this" I say "We can do both" and lay it out. 

2)Closet organizing. For some reason that is a big excitement for me. I love to organize closets.

3) Hair color. I can turn orange into brown in under 25 minutes!

4) Taking on other people's problems. For some reason I am drawn to trying to help everyone with anything. I really hate to see anyone suffer or be sad or overwhelmed, but for some reason I don't think about what it is going to do to me....

5) Cooking: I can take random things out of a kitchen and make it edible and delicious, I am actually rewriting Paula Dean's Cookbook. I am calling it "Sarah vs. decide." My husband is a picky eater and hard to please. If you have seen him lately you know he isn't starving. 

6) Relating to kids. For some reason kids love me. Todd says that I am the child whisperer, I disagree bc my children DO NOT sleep, any good child whisperer could get them to do this. I am better at relating to kids than talking to adults. I love seeing them soak up information and know that I taught them that. I would have made a great child advocate.

So now it is your turn! I hope you take time to let me know what you are a master in!
1) Brandi

1 comment:

  1. Great list!

    I think you are a master of....

    1. DIY projects. The bathroom was AMAZING!
    2. Keeping it real on your blog (that is something I really value!).
    3. Sacrificing your dreams and desires for your girls happiness and well-being.
    4. Enjoying your children.
    5. Being extremely sensitive to the needs of others
    6. Guiding your children to the throne of God through little everyday conversations and activities (something I want so badly to be a "master" in!)

    I'm glad you did this!


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