Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Our homestudy is DONE! I can't believe I am writing those words.

This has been the step of the process that we have gotten hung up on or at every time. 1x for an issue with the company, 1x our caseworker had to reschedule to go to just seemed like we would never get pass that step.

Well today, we did. She came, she looked at all the rooms, fire extinguisher, fire alarms, cars, car seats...asked us a series of questions, wrote down alot of notes. and then left.

My stomach was churning the whole time. Being evaluated as a parent is a huge deal. Parenting styles, discipline....whew I am just glad to get that over with!!

So whats the next step?

Getting our baby! They will write up the homestudy and make sure all the paper work is in place. Then it will be to figure out who will best fit in our family. Our guidelines are under 3. 1 or 2 kids. My sister and I are a year apart and we were separated when I was born. I know how hard that has been on both of us and I wouldn't want to do that to a sibling set. So we could grow by 1 child or 2!

My gut is a boy...or twins. I don't know why I believe we will get twins but we have always said we wanted them. Either way. It really is ANY DAY NOW!

From there, the baby will be placed in our home and we will have monthly visits to make sure we are all adjusting. After 6 months, we will be legally the child's parents.

Thank you to everyone who tweeted me today. Prayers really do help! Now...we wait!

**I have an open party on my site! May Special is spend $31 and get the All-In-One Organizer for $5!! Its one of my favorites!!**

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is Amazing and Congrats!!! I'm glad you would take 2! :)


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