Monday, May 21, 2012


This is a post I never, ever, EVER thought I would be writing. EVER.
After 2 months of working from home, I am officially "A Stay At Home Mom". SAY WHAT?!

Yes! After leaving the church in April and beginning my work with the Social Media company I quickly realized that the corporate world Sarah was no longer here. My idea is somewhere in the 2.5 years I was at the church she disappeared. Family became priority over corporate world. I gave my best at my new job but as much as I adore the company and LOVE my friends there....I wasn't getting the satisfaction that I thought I would have. I longed for more time with my girls, to clean my house, to be home. Todd and I wrestled back and forth over this for weeks.

It was literally a tearfest EVERYDAY! I did an experiment this weekend. To shut off my computer (until the kids were asleep...not in bed) and to not charge my phone. To just be a mom. To clean my house. To play with the kids. and I was so happy. I was unstressed, it was a huge relief, I felt like a new person. Todd and I really just decided to act on this instinct and "take the summer off" from 40 hours a week of work. I still have my contract job doing concerts, my part-time job helping at the hospital, and My Thirty-One business. So to say I am "unemployed" would be incorrect. I am just not a fulltime employee but a fulltime mom who has some "career hobbies"

For those of you who are reading this I am sure you are in shock. For the newbies, let me explain. I have claimed for YEARS that I would never be a stay-at-home mom. That I couldn't do it.
I was proud of my Working Mom status and our financial stability.

I am going to try this for the summer. Its 2 months. Who knows, I might love it and God might use this time to teach me things I had no idea were possible. and on the other hand, I could hate it and it bring nothing but stress to me and my family and I end up working at McDonalds. Either way, I am going to allow God to work in my life. Give Him the glory and be a mom that my girls will be proud of.

Pray for us during this time please and I promise to keep you updated.

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