Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The “Warm Fuzzy” project...

Aubrie Kate is a night owl. We do the bedtime routine atleast 5x. read a book, kiss goodnight, give hug, pull up covers, shut the door....same thing...over and over again. We have tried everything in the book besides duct tape (because that's just....wrong) to keep her in the bed. NOTHING WORKS. and its not like she is crying...she just gets out and wonders the house. Once I found her on the couch watching info commercials, once in the laundry room....just wondering around...

Well-the other day I had reception duty during lunch at I was pinning...when I stumbled upon this...

It was cute...I was intrigued. I got the idea to use this method with Aubrie. So yesterday off I went to the dollar tree to buy some warm fuzzies. 160 for 3 dollars-can’t beat it. I washed up an old pickle jar I was saving for another project-slapped on some scrapbook stickers and whala! Here we go.

I explained to Aubrie that she was now a big girl going to big girl school, taking ballet, in church it was important for her to start sleeping good at night to have if she stayed in bed and she slept all night, she would get a warm fuzzy for her jar. Also, if she would help mommy and sister by picking up (because this child thinks she hung the moon and cleaning is way beneath her) she could get a warm fuzzy. And when her warm fuzzy jar is full she can trade them in for a trip to chuck-e-cheese, chick-fil-a, yogn frut....where ever she wanted.

Well...when I said Chuck-e-cheese, her eyes lit up. She is OBSESSED with the mouse. She said "otay mommy!!! "

So bedtime rolled around and I did the routine...and left. About an hour later and came back in...surely she was in the litter box...or had decided to play wii.....wait! What?!?!

SHE WAS ASLEEP. IN HER BED. I kid you not.

I went to sleep last night waiting for her to stumble in my room....when I got up at 6 this morning...where was she??


So we are off to a good start! I am really hoping this positive reinforcement will work with her!


  1. love this! we used to do this all the time when i taught kindergarten. whenever the class received a compliment as a whole ("what a nice quiet line" etc) we would receive a warm fuzzy working toward an ice cream party. FYI - oriental trading has lots of cute themed "warm fuzzies"
    and...way to go aubrie (and way to go momma for finding something that works for both of you!) :)

  2. That's fabulous!! Don't you love it when something works?? Congrats!!


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