Friday, August 12, 2011

The first day of school

Well-Today is the day I have been dreading for five years. My baby is officially a kindergartener. Around this time last year, I really began praying for God to show me how we were suppose to school Madyson. Like most of you know-she has an unique soul. I knew she needed to be in a group setting as opposed to homeschooling because she loves people and adores her friends. Since she was in preschool for 2 years-she had become adjusted to a classroom setting. But Private or Public schools? This is one of those "MOM DEBATES" we read so much about and personally....I didn't care. I wanted it to be Madyson's choice.  Both had tons of pros-and they both had a few cons. Todd was a private school kid....I was a public school kid. We both turned out great. So we began visiting local private schools and took a tour of the public school here in town. Madyson got to spend a day at each of the private schools and a tour of the public school. Last spring I asked her if she had made up her mind and she said I wanna go to the public school. When I asked her why it came down to a few things I thought were very interesting. 1) they have a cool playground. 2) they are ranked (and yes...she said ranked) as a high education school. 3) I like the mix of people...(meaning she like diversity) that was enough for me. I explained to her about being a Christian in a public school. That it wasn't going to be as open as a private school. She asked if there were Christian teachers in public schools and I told her yes, so she asked if she could have one. We prayed all summer about it...and Tuesday we discovered how God provides.

This morning she woke up to her alarm clock. Got dressed-ate breakfast-brushed her teeth and grabbed her teacher gifts, backpack, and lunch box. She was ready!

Here we are walking up the walk way to school. Usually you go through the "Kiss and Go Lane" but on the first day they let you walk the kids in.
This is her on the hall with her teacher gifts. I found a cute idea on Pintrest and spun off of it. She was so excited to take her teachers "happies" on the first day!
 Outside her class room! She was ready to go! This was the point I was expecting her to cry or me too cry. I gave her a hug and in she went. "BYE MOM" I stopped her for one last hug and kiss...which she gave me (I think I will die when she is "too big" for that) and that was the start of the day!

I would have sat outside her room all day....just to watch. But Todd was with me and he hurried me out the door before I got emotional! (I am happy to report that no tears were shed) On the way out we ran into our sweet Gavin!
I am so happy he and Madyson are together this year!!! His parents are in our LifeGroup and they already see A LOT of each other :)

When school let out-I was in the car rider line waiting. I finally got to her and she hopped in and said, "IT WAS FANTASTIC!!! I AM GOING BACK TOMORROW"....good thing. I am hoping that this attitude stays for the next 12 years :)


  1. Wow! What a mature little girl you have on your hands! I am super impressed by her decision making - and your parenting for letting her have a say in her education. As a former public school teacher, I can attest that there ARE christian teachers in public school and we do our best to let the light of Jesus shine, even if we can't flash it for all to see :)
    Hope she has a great year.....
    and I'm curious (or just nosey - ha!) what did you give her teachers for their first day "happy" and did you find out if her teacher is a Christian?

  2. Hey Amy! we gave the teachers water bottles that had lemonade single packs in them. Right now in MS its is around 105 each day-and they DO go outside to we decided on that because that way they could use them each day during recess.

    And we found her teacher is a Christian 2 ways: 1 she is a church member at our church, but 2nd she gives an "about me" page and clearly states that she is a "strong Christian woman" which I think is great. Because she isn't hiding her beliefs.

  3. Thanks for answering! I can't believe they're still going outside to play! We used to have restrictions on going out when it was above a certain temp. even when it was just the "normal" 85/90 degree days it was awful to have to smell a room full of sweaty kids for the remainder of the afternoon - ha!
    A water bottle with lemonade is a great idea :)

    That is awesome about her teacher - woohoo!!! Dontcha just love when God answers prayers in such a visible way....especially when it is a faith builder for our children, too?! Awesome! :)

  4. The first day is always so sad to me, but atleast she loved it!! She is so sweet and growning so fast! I wish we could figure out how to slow it all down a little, but I haven't found it yet!! Love you girl!! :)

  5. Smart girl! I think she/you made a great decision! And when she gets to the 4th grade...I know another Christian teacher you can request:)))) hee hee


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