Sunday, March 6, 2011

A lesson in death: The girls first funeral.

My precious great Aunt Sarah passed away this weekend and her funeral was today. Let me give you a background on Aunt Sarah-she was tiny like me (5'2) She married my Uncle Charles when she was 16-She was a true Southern Belle. Always in her lipstick and jewels and fur coat (even in the summer =) She was simple adorable and loved "CHARRRLEESSS" to wait on her. So when I was told her funeral would be today-there was no doubt in my mind my family would be there. We decided to take the girls-because we knew it would be a short service. Well-here's how it went down.

On the car ride there (2.5 hours) I was explaining to Madyson about a funeral. (there is a body and its in a casket and its Aunt Sarah's Body...but she's not in there-shes in heaven with Uncle Charles) You have to be quiet and be on your best behavior this is a time to be respectful..yadda..yadda...yadda..

She was cool with that. When we got the funeral home we were all sitting in pews in front of a huge closed curtain. Madyson whispers "Whats behind the curtain" I told her "Aunt Sarah's Body" about that time there was a loud laugh from behind the curtain-Madyson very loudly "She isn't dead-shes just joking" --a few light chuckles come from the room. I sshh her and then the curtains open and the family is invited up to see the body. This is the part I skip out on-for respect. I really don't like the thought of people looking over me saying "How natural" I look...when in fact-I look dead. So I usually just stay seated. I know Aunt Sarah understands. But not my children. Madyson wanted to go up and see her-to make sure. So my crazy Aunt Barbara took her to view the body. I am watching as my child is pretty much in the casket with Aunt Sarah...she examines her hair, her jewelry, her lipstick...then comes back to give me the report. "Yup-its her. She has the bright lipstick on-she is all fancy-looks really good for being dead" --Another roll of laughter....

After a few more trips up to the casket, Madyson is feeling quite at home and very comfortable with the funeral. Aubrie is too. She likes "the old lady with the wipstick" The curtain closes and they close the casket...then the curtain reopens and the service begins...
-I look over and madyson is asleep....good deal.

Well right after we say Amen to the Lords Prayer, Aubrie chimes her almost 3 year old "outside" voice..."Where de wayde width the wipstick go?" I whisper "shhh she is sleeping in the box" Aubrie "She nappin?" Me: "yess...shhhh don't wake her up" Aubrie: "Silly wayde width the wipstick why she in a box sweeping? She goin to suffertate" by this point-Aubrie is preaching the service and everyone is doing their best to not get distracted from the monotoned pastor. Finally-the service ends and we go get in the car to go to the graveside.

Madyson wakes up when we put her in her carseat and starts:
"Are they going to shove her in that car?""Who's going to drive?" The man in the hat...."Then we are going to drop her in the ground?" Yes baby....."Why?" we just do...... "oh Okay..."

20 minutes to the grave site and we get out. The girls run ahead because they want to see this up close. All the sudden...I can't find Aubrie! I am "Quietly" shouting her name...trying not to take away from the graveside service when she pops up from behind a tombstone "I OVER HERE!!!" as I make my way to her-I notice she has a HANDFUL of fake flowers. I ask her "where did you get these" She says "from dere...and dere...and dere...."So needless to say we missed the graveside bc we were returning flowers to their rightful headstone.

It was a very eventful day-and a good learning experience for the girls! I am pretty sure everyone left there with their spirits lifted.


  1. I am laughing my head off right now!!! I love the innocents of little children. I am so sorry for your losss. Your aunt sounded like a wonderful lady!!

    Great post....thanks for sharing!!

  2. This is seriously the funniest post you've ever written!!!! I'm sure your Aunt got a kick out of this looking down.

  3. 2 Funny great to be young and care free.

  4. precious. i've been laughing out loud!! sweet children just say what's on their minds, don't they? i love it!

    PS: JA informed me that Madyson was wearing a smocked Cinderella dress recently. i have that one on deck to make soon. JA will be thrilled!!


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