Monday, November 23, 2009

off my game

So yesterday was the turning point in my week when I realized how off my game I am!

When you go from working 80+ hours a week in a stressful environment but life is good, your mistakes can be well hidden or at least overlooked...but when you transfer over to the "mommy world" and take a 32 hour a week job and your life goes crazy...mistakes aren't easy to hide!

Last week was a roller coaster week at the Broadus plantation. started off with Todd's dr. appointment, then the car breaking down & dying, then this, then that. I have seriously decided that I am on a spiritual battle with Satan right now. I left my lesser than Holy ground and entered into God's house. I gave my heart to the Lord and said "I am your servant, use me anyway you can, I am done making my own plans while you sit waiting on me to listen to you" Well apparently Lucifer himself decided to take part in this project because every month since I have started I have had at least 3 bad things happen in my family.

Back to last week, so I cried most of the week, Thursday was awful!! and Friday I spent sewing and sobbing, sewing and sobbing. But then I dried it up and said "He doesn't give us more than we can handle". I can remember in my mind completing a task that I do weekly for work, I can play it out over and over again...but then I go blank? Did I take this object to "its final resting place"?!?!? I can remember printing it, getting discouraged because the folding machine was broken so I had to hand fold it, the server going down so I really had to hand fold it since I had 1 hour of work left. Folding...talking to Todd...Folding...answering a call...Folding....Then that's it!?!? Did I take them to their home? I think I did, I am 85% sure I did...but 15% of me is going mmmmmmmm....Don't know? I was so upset Thursday that I left in tears....But if I did take them, where did they go?!?!? They had vanished by Sunday. This is the hardest thing for me, because I do not like being 100% sure of myself....I keep replaying it over and over trying to figure it out because I know I did them...I just don't know what happened after they were folded?

So today I have decided to clean my office.....get ahead of myself in printing...that way if another week happens like last week, I will be ready!

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