Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lordy, Lordy!!

Today is a VERY special day for our family. My big brother, Wesley is turning 40!

I don't know about you but at times-I forget that I am almost 30-married with 3 kids. When it comes to my brother I still see us as young.

Wesley and I are 11 years apart and out of all my siblings-I have spent the most time with him.

When I was 5, my babysitter (Megan pronounced *ME*gan) became his girlfriend and from that point forward my brother taught me all about relationships. I watched them go through high school with each other. On occasion, they would take me on a date with them! We would go walk around the mall, go to DZ (discovery zone), or Krispie Kream!

When I was in middle school, Wesley had taken my friend and I to the town Christmas parade. I asked what he was getting Megan for Christmas and he pulled out her engagement ring! Being young-and a blabber mouth-I had to find out if she would say yes. I couldn't let my brother get turned down. (Keep I mind the was 6 years after they started dating) so I went into wingman approach and hinted "If he asked you to marry him, would you?"

So there in our hallway he proposed. Romantic huh? ;) Megan and Wesley went on to get married. He got a wife-i got a best friend. I was a bridesmaid-and I cried the whole time. They moved into an apartment down the road from our house. I helped them set it up and enjoyed swimming in their apartment pool. a few years later little Emma was on the way (my eldest niece) and they moved across town. I missed Emma's birth because I was coming home from vacation and she came early! (4days after my 15th birthday) but I have been there for Ellie and Kaiden's (their youngest 2 kiddos) birth. I had the privilege of witnessing my brother become a father and that is the most powerful moment of my relationship with him.

Wesley is by far my biggest role model. He is a hard worker-he loves his family and he is the best big brother. He gave me my love for Vanilla Ice and Sir mix a lot. He made my slumber parties more...entertaining by scaring us on the middle of the night. And he introduced me to my most favorite movie-the Lazerath.

I am blessed to have him and can't believe today he turns 40. Happy birthday brother!

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