Tuesday, January 10, 2012

California Girls! (and Todd) part 1

We left on a jet plane for California on Dec. 17th! This was Aubrie's first trip on a plane and she loved the entire thing! Our plans for the trip were to Have fun, Rest, get back to normal, and make snow angels. We succeeded at all of these.
We (the girls and I) attempted to snowboard. Daddy Broadus is an expert, and he loves it. His little mini-me (madyson) took after him. She had a great time going up and down the mountain with her trainer.
after her first run down the mountain!
Aubrie Kate....Well, lets just say within the first 2 hours she had pitched 2 of the biggest fits because she didn't like the helmet and hated the boots. They didn't match. She was removed from ski school and spent the rest of the vacation doing all sorts of things...
Aubrie loved playing in the igloo
madyson...waiting. Aubrie Kate having a break down over non matching accessories.

being a speed bump for all who were skiing down the mountain.

And Momma? well momma tried to snowboard. It was entertaining for all. I could do it really good, but I couldn't stop. And that is a BIG part of it.

So after breaking my tailbone(not really, but it felt like it) I opted to spend my ski lift money on something that will last me a lifetime...
=) It was on sale, like a good sale! and I love it! We ate a ton of good food, and we all show from it.
The girls and I were awed with the scenery
God does some amazing work!

Tomorrow...Christmas in California. Santa even came to visit :)

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