Sunday, December 1, 2013

Life in the homeless lane

We are days into our homeless life and the girls and I are slowly adjusting to living out of a suitcase and sleeping on an airmatress. 

To recap: Todd lives and works in Georgia now and so does all our possessions-except 15 outfits each and a handful of toys. The girls and I have to stay in Mississippi this month so they can finish school and well-this involves living out of one suitcase and sleeping on an airmatress. As bad as it sounds we are adjusting well. I am having a hard time being a single mom. I need Todd. I need his comfort and his extra hands. My parents have been great but they aren't him. 

Tomorrow the girls go back to school so I am hoping life will be somewhat normal-as normal as it can be. 

Have you ever been displaced? Do you have any tips for me??

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