Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A gushy post

{{Disclaimer: This is an unusual gushy post. For no other reason than it is in my mind and heart at the moment. Grab a garbage can incase the loveyness makes you want to puke. Oh and in case you didn't know..I'm not a open up about romance type person...so this is a random thought writing style}}

...This morning as I was on my quiet ride to work I started thinking about my love for Todd. I think this all came from a conversation Madyson and I were having about how the love I have for her and Aubrie is different from the love I have for Todd.

I believe once (before Todd) that I was IN LOVE. I mean this boy "hung the moon". I was mistaken and thankfully, the Lord intervened and stopped my stupidity before it excelled into more than it was. Granted, at the time...it hurt like heck and I was extremely heart broken. Thankfully...He knew a greater plan for me.

It wasn't long after that heart broken state that Todd entered my life and each day he has brought so much Joy to me. Even on the bad days, and yes, there has been bad days. I can still feel the swelling in my heart when I think about him. 

...back to my morning ride. This morning as I was sitting in school traffic. I had the overwhelming desire to call Todd and tell him I love him. Now granted, I had just seen him 45 minutes prior at our home...I still needed to do this.

So I called him and said, "I love you" his response...."I love you too...whats wrong?" ...Thanks Babe.
When I went on to explain that I just wanted to say I love you...he was cool with that.

I adore marriage. I adore the thought of being "his wife" and I have noticed when he speaks about me to his coworkers (who know me) he doesn't refer to me as "sarah" he says "my wife".  And I love that.

I adore knowing that everyday between 6-7 he will come home and we will eat dinner and talk and hug...sometimes I get to him before the girls...other times they beat me to him. (they are faster...)

I am blessed beyond measures that he takes extra steps to ensure that I am not stressed about the little things. He handles them.

Simply put, I love my husband. more than I have ever loved a single person here on earth. Its such an amazing thing to be with one single person for 6 years and know that you love them more today than you did on that first day.

Today, if your married, I invite you to join in on my gushy moment and pick up the phone and call your spouse...just to say you love them. Lets us all be thankful for the wonderful best friend we have been blessed with.


  1. so sweet! i'm sure todd appreciates this (and you!) more than you will ever know!! of course, i am a total gushy person so i'm sobbing while reading this and wanting to write jeffrey all kinds of love notes now. :)
    thanks for sharing. it blessed me today!

  2. I try to keep all my Gushy moments to my self. You know us men are made like that.


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