Sunday, April 27, 2014

Thoughts from the deck

You could hear the thunder rolling in. The sky was beginning to turn a light gray. The smell of rain was near. Spring showers call for a time of relflection for me these days. I love to sit on our deck, with a cup of coffee and listen and smell the air as the rain rolls in. Watching the first few drops tip and tap on the deck floor. Then just like my morning shower, the sprinkles start falling harder.

The view from my deck is full of green and lots of Gods handy work. It has become my thinking spot over the last four months.
Starting over our life has been one of the hardest yet rewarding decisions We have made in 8 years of being married. As most of you have read-2011,2012,2013 all were years of hard, hard lessons. Times where I thought-how are we going to make it through this. Have you ever felt that way? 

The last four months have given me time to find out who I am and what I can do.

Saying yes to Gods plan was so, so hard. Letting go of the life we have built in Mississippi still makes me sad today. But seeing just a small provision of what God has planned for us here-is worth it.

Today at church our pastor started a new series-"Starting over so next time won't be like last time"...he said "people that have undergone trials will come out saying-I am so thankful I went through that." 

{{to listen to the series go to}}

Just like the spring shower comes in and washes away the pollen that covers my deck-God came in and washed away the trials we were facing. Just by stopping our plan and following His. We are seeing a whole new view of what he has called us to be. 

Thankful for these times to sit and listen to the rain.  

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