Monday, October 6, 2014

The girls.

One of my biggest reasons to leave this blog in a few months is the girls. Madyson and aubrie are at an age now where they understand that their lives have been recorded over the last 5 years and they don't really care to have them recorded for the next five. I understand this and I have promised, come jan. 1,2015 they will no longer be shared. But I have 3 months so let me tell you about this precious kids of mine.

A few weeks ago our neighborhood friend turned 7. We of course were pumped and attended her birthday party-then the next day she came running over and had to show the girls she got the new American Girl Isabelle for her birthday. My girls adore Isabelle. She is on both of their Christmas list. They have read the books, seen the movie and just love her story. I was so proud of them on this particular afternoon. When neighborhood friend brought over her doll-instead of jealousy(like I assumed one would have) they were both so excited for her. It was her first doll. It was Isabelle and they were so proud for their friend. And I was so proud of them. When we became a single income family and a single income commissioned family-we gave up a lot of luxuries. Eating out, shopping for fun, and the occasional spoiling of our kids. They don't get things like they use too. And one side of me aches that I can't go to the store and buy them the newest toy. And the other side makes me proud that they are learning needs over wants. It's a constant battle that I face when they get excited over handmedowns and extra snacks at the grocery. To be thankful of blessings and not have the desire to want the extras.

They are both turning into these amazing young women. They are compassionate and thoughtful and the best big sisters. They have big plans on curing cancer and attending art school. They are best friends and sometimes...sometimes my heart burst when I hear them sneak into one another's rooms at night to laugh and giggle. And to find them asleep in one twin bed because they like being together. 
I spend everyday with them-except 12 hours that I work at my big girl job. And I get to see their good times and their bad times. And even when one is bossy and the other dramatic. I can usually say-"treat each other how you want to be treated." And the argument is over. I love the big girls my babies are becoming. 

And I am so thankful to be their mommy. 

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