Saturday, August 10, 2013


I'm a bit of an emotional wreck right now. I believe a new school year-Aubrie Kate starting school-Mia Margaret entering her  5 month-all has my mommy emotions swirling.

But atlas-it rained today. I love a good summer rain. In Mississippi-that is key for dirty hair & pony tail day-because any southern belle will tell you that if you wash your hair on a hot day-then a summer rain comes-your hair will double in size-frizz up-and then you will get a lot of bless your heart looks. After a summer rain-or spring tornado-or fall  can usually find a rainbow. Yesterday and today were rainbow days.

I love rainbows. There is something so amazing about an arch of colors cascading through the sky. Recently (thanks to social media) I have discovered my "friends" have a love for rainbows as well. 

I love scrolling through my news feeds and seeing how friends-all over-have stopped and captured the majestic rainbow in all it's ROY G. BIV goodness.

The story of the Rainbow in the Bible is quite simple and you can look up the scriptures in (Gen. 6:1 through 9:17). During the time of a righteous man named Noah, the world was just like our own time; taken over by a great deal of sin, but Noah was an honorable man. He listened to God and cherished a close relationship with Him, so God called  Noah to build an ark, so that he, his family, and a pair of each creature would be saved from the destructive flood that he was going to pour over the entire earth in order to rid it of its wickedness. After 40 days and 40 nights of falling rain, God told Noah to come out of the Ark, and that is when Noah saw the colors that God had placed in the sky, saying that it was His Eternal Symbol of Promise that He would never send another catastrophic flood to the earth to kill all off mankind. This was and is His covenant with all of us. The promise; this rainbow; and this "true" meaning of it, supplies us with promise and hope. 

I have had a lot of storms in my life. For the past four years I have shared them with you. Job losses, sick kids, bad mistakes, hate, anger, pain from the loss of my mother-in-law and the loss of our precious babe. I have endured pain that-without faith-would have seemed unbearable. But at the end of each storm-there has always been a rainbow. Some of them not as vivid as others-but always a rainbow. 

I was scrolling through Instagram the other day and learned the term "rainbow baby". By definition it means a child born after a miscarriage or loss. A rainbow baby. I have one of those. Mia Margaret came after a hellacious storm. The loss and pain of a miscarriage-the hurt of being told "the birth mother has decided to keep the child-the birth mother decided to go with another family..."-the agonizing- excruciating pain of watching my mother-in-law suffer and die. And my children and husband grieve. My God that storm was insane. But at the end-when the winds quit and the waves settled-there was our rainbow.

Friend-whatever storm you face today-marriage, family, addiction, pain, unanswered prayers-know that your storm will end-focus on your rainbow-as soon as the clouds part it will be there.

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